administrative law

The specialized law office Friedrich welcomes you.

Over the last 14 years Tobias Friedrich specialized his work in Adminstrative Law. He is a certified lawyer in this area. He can look back on over 3.800 adminstrative mandates with a successful outcome in most cases.

The lawyer’s office is one of the leading offices in Adminstrative Law and is outstanding in Baden-Württemberg / Germany in matters of representation of the interests of companies and citizens.
In order to avoid conflicts of interest and personal involvement, the lawyer’s office decided to represent exclusively companies and private persons in legal cases against adminstrative bodies and local authorities. Communities and government institutions are not mandates. That makes the law office unique.

This approach and assignment, combined wtih highly expertise has made this law office a well known address. Therefore it is recommended by other lawyers who are not working in this area of law.
In the past even judges, lawyers, and professors were represented, counceled and advised by Tobias Friedrich.

In 2017 Tobias Friedrich started to represent American and other foreign companies on their behalf before German authorities.
If you plan to expand to Germany, Tobias Friedrich will take care to obtain all formalities in Germany.

With a long term experience in client support, a all around solution and the overall approach who has the other branches of law and the European law in view at all times, are characerizing the lawyer’s office.

Convince yourself!